
校園是一個讓孩子可以愉快地學習的地方,可惜不少同學卻對語文心生敬畏,特別是對英語。香港是一個國際大都會,如何幫助孩子透過輕鬆、活潑的方法去學習英語,想必是很多老師和家長的盼望。為此,領導力培訓學院(CC Leadership Development Institute Ltd., www.ccldi.org)特別推出「童心英語」培訓課程系列,由專業培訓師楊佩玲女士(Pauline Young)研發並擔任教練,透過不同形式的「朗藝」培訓活動,幫助老師、家長提升兒童掌握英語的能力,又藉著有趣的繪本、歌曲讓小朋友享受學習英語的樂趣,並在不知不覺間培養小朋友正向的品格。




楊佩玲女士 (Pauline Young)

Pauline Young, an author, storyteller, an English major, loves the challenge of using picture books and a wealth of other resources to methodically help teachers get a good grip of the English language and boost the joy of reading and storytelling in English.

(More Detailed Trainer Profile)

Pauline Young is a communication specialist, trainer and storyteller educated in US with degrees in English Literature (BA) and Business Administration (MBA). After working in Hong Kong for over 10 years in Corporate Communications and Training, she started her own training consultancy. In the last 10 years, she has taken on the role of an early literacy advocate and has led many reading and storytelling workshops for educators, social workers and parents as well conducted numerous reading clubs and English “playshops" for kids of all ages. Her first children’s book, “Socks Heaven", was published in 2004 (reprinted 2017). Pauline is an award-winning speaker given the highest honor and recognition of Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) by Toastmasters International.

電話:(852) 2725 8558 (Peggy Leung)